


Polychronic Behaviors: The Role of Job Residency and Education Level

Rian Andriani, Disman, Eeng Ahman, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Budi Santoso

This article mainly aims the cultural differences of polychronic behaviour which refers to a culture in which people value, and hence practice, engaging in several activities at the same time. This is interesting to be studied in some jobs that have more tendencies to behave polychronicity. This study uses some indicators to measure this behaviour in that kind of job, with the differentiators of job tenure and education level. This study analysed 152 workers in several banks in Bandung, Indonesia. The study results provide observational evidence of how residency factor (less than 5 years, 5-10 years and 10-15 years) is related to polycronic behaviour. Workers who experience a job residency of less than 5 years have a high tendency to polycronic behavior, while workers with job residency between 5-10 years are in the moderate classification. Likewise, workers with job residency between 10-15 years have a middle class in directing polycronic behaviour. From the aspect of education, it was found confirmation that diploma graduate workers are in a high classification in high polychronic behaviour, while undergraduate graduates are in the middle classification in directing polycronic behaviour.