


Family support for successful entrepreneurship. A systematic review of Latin American experiences

Victor Hugo Fernandez-Bedoya

One of the theories that seek to explain the motivating factors for entrepreneurship is the family environment. The purpose of this study was to find evidence of family support for successful entrepreneurship in Latin America in the Scopus database between 2010 and 2020, and the following questions were asked: what is this evidence, in which scientific journals is it usually published, in which geographical areas were the studies conducted, what was their methodological approach, and what conclusions were reached? A systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA methodology to answer these questions. Two searches in the Scopus database ("family" and "entrepreneurship"; "family" and "entrepreneur") yielded 4,989 initial records, which were reduced to 10 after inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The findings revealed that the evidence identified is mostly published in "Revista de Administraço Mackenzie," based on experiments conducted in Brazil, Mexico, and Chile, and no trend in the methodological approach used was identified. The final conclusions show that family support exists in the form of motivation for the initiation of entrepreneurial activities, as well as in cases where an individual inherits a family business from his parents and grandparents. The entrepreneur's feelings of gratitude toward his or her family were identified in all cases.