


Achieving entrepreneurial intention through entrepreneurial orientation; Social network ties and market intelligence generation perspectives.

Joseph Owusu, Naeem Hayat, Wilberforce Owusu-Anasah, Peter Kwasi Oppong, Solomon Zaato Gbene

Entrepreneurial orientation (ENO), social network ties (SOT) and market intelligence generations (MIT) are independently modeled as distinct antecedents of entrepreneurial intention (EIN). However, the intervening variables for such models are typically under-explored in their applicability to university students in the sub-Saharan Africa. Accordingly, drawing on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), the present study argues that ENO impacts on EIN and this impact is largely explained by SOT and MIT. Using cross-sectional data gathered from university students in Ghana, a sub-Saharan Africa country, our findings reveal that ENO has both direct and indirect relationship with EIN. Thus, this relationship is particularly mediated when students build and develop social network ties (SOT) instead of gathering marketing intelligence (MIT).
