Using of Inventory Valuation Methods (FIFO and Weighted Average) in Manufacturing Companies in Saudi Arabia
Forensic Accounting: A Tool for Detecting and Preventing Fraud and its Present Position in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Analysis of Typical Tax Challenges and Finding across ECOWAS and CEMAC
The Role of External Auditors in Assessing the Risk of Corruption
Factors Related to Achievement of the Operational Goals
The Adoption Determinants of Mobile Technologies in the Accounting Profession
Risk Factors and Industry Stock Returns: an Empirical Examination of the UAE and USA Stock Markets
The Impact of Credit Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Banking Sector in Sudan
The Determinants of Corporate Payout Decisions in Globally - Listed Shipping Companies
Factors Affecting Cashless Payment of Goods and Services
Exploring Micro-Foundations of Collaborative Synergy in Global Strategic Alliance with the Real Options Approach
What Explains Penny Stocks Seasoned Equity Offerings?
CEO Ownership, Family Ownership, and Stock Performance: Evidence from Thailand
The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanism on Financial Performance in the Palestinian Firms listed in the Stock Exchange
Does Corporate Governance moderate the relationship between Capital Structure and Financial Performance? New Insight from GCC Markets
Analytical Study of Behavioral Finance In Bank Merger: Impact of Digitalization
Impact of Public Policies on the Health Management of People Living In Extreme Poverty in Huancavelica
Differences in the CSR Reporting Practices between Australia and Indonesia
Impact of Structural Adjustment Programs for IMF on Social Indicators (Health and Education of Turkey as a Model)
The Kinks of Oil Demand Curve and Oligopoly Market
Efficiency of the Accounting Information System and the Budget on the Administrative and Financial Performance of Universities: An Applied Study on a Sample of Colleges and Departments of Tikrit University
The Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms in Supporting the Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Iraq
The Impact of Islamic Accounting Instruments on the Sustainability of Iraqi Banks
The Impact of Financial Risk on Corporate Credit Risk
The Economic Challenges of the Corona Pandemic: Solutions in Proposed Scenarios in Iraq
Alimony for Relatives Is a Comparative Jurisprudential Matter
The Impact of Monetary Policies on the Monetary Stability of Iraq and Address the Problems of Inflation in the Past Three Decade
Measuring the Long-Term Equilibrium Relationship between Physical Capital, Spending On Education, And Economic Growth in Jordan for the Period (1985-2020)
The Determinants of Individual, Systematic, and Systemic Risks of Indonesian Commercial Banks
Does commissioner/director board members diversity matter?
Internal Audit Nature of Work: A Structured Literature Review
Factors Affecting Corporate Liquidity: Evidence from Steel Listed Companies in Vietnam
Financial Sustainability Without Comparability in the European Union? The Directive 2011/7/EU
Analyzing the Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Financial Performance of Indonesian Listed Companies
Instrument Design of Small Industry Performance Measurement in Semarang City With Balanced Scorecard Concept
The Multi-Scale Currency Exposure of Food and Beverage Firms In Malaysia: An Application of Wavelet Technique
Understanding Iraqi Economy Through Some Performance Indicators From 1990-2019
The Impact of Board of Directors Characteristics on Reducing Earnings Management
Management Control Procedures in Multinationals Versus Subsidiaries
Accountability of Rsud Wangaya Denpasar City in Managing Bpjs Kesehatan Funds in the Era of Bpjs Kesehatan Deficit
Bench Test of the Multi- Function Coconut Husk Processing Machine
Effects of Circular Economy Information Disclosure on the Corporate Financial Performance of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Equity Offering Types, Financing Objectives, and Long-Run Stock Performance
Factors Associated With the Role of Internal Audit in Combined Assurance: An International Evidence
Cross-Media Management: From Mass Media to Online Media