


World Experience in Venture Entrepreneurship and Probability Model for Risk Assessment of a Venture Project

Elena Rostislavovna Schislyaeva, Olga Anatolievna Saychenko

 This article covers the directions and methods of state support for venture entrepreneurship. This study reviews the experience of the USA, Israel, South Korea, Japan, and China. The purpose of the study is to identify the key principles of state support for venture entrepreneurship in order to propose future recommendations for development of domestic practice of support of venture activities. In the course of the study, the authors have drafted a set of principles for implementation of effective state support of venture entrepreneurship. The result of the study is the development of a stochastic economic and mathematical model for assessing profit from the sale of innovative goods, technologies, programs, patents and other outcomes of intellectual activities. The developed mathematical model of the study is based on probabilistic principles. The authors draw up a mathematical description using the theory of stochastic processes, only approximate estimation of demand for the results of venture research and development by the consumer pool in advance is possible. In addition, it is possible to estimate the possible profit from the sale of innovative goods, technologies, programs, patents and other outcomes of intellectual activities only from a probabilistic point of view.