


What Affects Employee Performance through Work Motivation?

Nabilah Aliyyah, Indra Prasetyo, Rusdiyanto, Esa Wahyu Endarti, Fitra Mardiana, Ruddy Winarko, Chamariyah, Sri Mulyani, Firsty Oktaria Grahani, Arif Syafi'ur Rochman, Nawang Kalbuana, Widi Hidayat, Heru Tjaraka

 Objective: This study aims to estimate and predict the influence of competence and workload on employee performance through the work motivation of employees of state-owned public bodies. Design/methodology/approach: This type of research uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 55 employees at state-owned public bodies, in this study using sampling 55 employees. The analysis method in this study uses path analysis. The selection of this model aims to determine the direct or indirect influence of competency variables and workloads on employee performance variables through work motivation variables. Findings: These results prove that Competence affects employee performance in state-owned public bodies. Workload negatively affects Employee Performance in companies of state-owned public bodies. While the motivation of Work affects employee performance. Competency positively affects employee workload motivation negatively affects employee's work motivation. Competence through Work Motivation positively affects Employee Performance. Workload through Work Motivation negatively affects Employee Performance in state-owned public bodies. Originality/value: Previous research measured the Effect of Competence and Workload on Employee Performance Through Employee Work Motivation on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange, while this research focused on state-owned public bodies.
