


The Factor of Reducing Child Morbidity as A Way to Improve the Efficiency of Business Activities in Health Care

Irina M. Farber

Aim of the study: The occurrence of diseases and their distribution are determined by natural, environmental and socio-economic factors, the latter of which are becoming increasingly important due to the influence of lifestyle, income, housing conditions, nutritional structure, and a number of other factors. Researchers justify their schemes for classifying factors of morbidity and public health in different ways. Let's consider separate approaches to their allocation and classification. Methodology: Four groups of health protection factors were identified: lifestyle, biological factors, the state of the surrounding (natural) environment, and the volume and quality of medical care. At the same time, he showed that the intensity of the influence of these groups of factors differs significantly. Thus, the first group, which includes factors such as Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, poor nutrition, work in harmful conditions, stress, lack of exercise, unsatisfactory living conditions and hyper urbanization, accounts for 51-52% of the total impact. Conclusion: The environmental (natural) factor (in particular, air, water, soil pollution, overtime radiation levels, electromagnetic fields, etc.) covers 20-21% of the influence, biological factors (heredity, gender, age, etc.) – 19-20%. The group of factors related to the volume and quality of medical care (in particular, vaccination, frequency of medical examinations, timeliness and quality of treatment) accounts for 8-9% of the impact.