


The Educational Process Development in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship: The Experience of the Republic of Belarus

Kadol Natalia

The article discusses the problems of social entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Belarus, among which the institutional environment formation can be noted. Main directions of its development are identified; they are associated with the solution of socially significant problems. It shows that the activity of social entrepreneurship contributes to the employment and socialization of people with disabilities. The study of educational process in the field of social entrepreneurship is paid particular attention to. It considers the development process of educational programs that allow acquiring competencies in the field of social entrepreneurship. Various educational institutions and organizations operating in the Republic of Belarus carry out implementation of such programs. Activation and more effective implementation of educational programs in Belarusian universities, as well as the development of additional and business education in the field of social entrepreneurship will contribute to professional competencies formation of social entrepreneurs. An increase in the number of skilled workers in the field of social entrepreneurship will have a positive impact on the organizational structures efficiency of this sphere.
