


Teachers Perceived Meanings of a Localized Accounting Curriculum in Lesotho: An asset−based Perspective

Mamosa Thaanyane

This qualitative paper was conducted to explore Accounting teachers’ perceptions of the changed and or localised Accounting syllabus in Lesotho. This qualitative study used questionnaires as a tool for collecting information from ten teachers from in five schools. These teachers were the representatives of teachers from northern, central and southern parts of the country. Questionnaires were distributed and collected the following day through the respective principals in a very short time. The study used open-ended questions that allowed them to freely express their attitudes, experiences and opinions as they were completely anonymous and not subject to stressful time constraints. Findings of this study revealed that some Accounting teachers encountered problems that hindered them from successfully implementing the localised curriculum. Some of these findings found when exploring teachers’ understandings those changes is four-fold: Firstly, their understandings of the curriculum changes, 2) their attitudes towards those changes, and 3) their perceptions about the required to support, as well as their training and professional development opportunities which seem to be the most appropriate path to structure and guide this investigation. Findings also revealed their perceptions of what is required to support them in terms of training and professional development opportunities, seemed to be the most appropriate path to structure and guide this investigation.
