


Scholarships, an Opportunity for Development in Ecuador

Luis Tobar-Pesantez, Antonio Perez-Torres, Santiago Solano-Gallegos

During the presidency of Rafael Correa in Ecuador, there was a qualitative change in the field of education, particularly in Higher Education. The aim of this analysis is not to assess whether it was positive or negative. However, we can point out that the aim of this government was to give research a leading role in all levels. One of the factors that contributed to the structural change in higher education was the granting of scholarships to students from different areas of knowledge, especially to pursue masters and doctoral degrees in several countries around the world. Upon their return, they would contribute to the country’s development. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyse the scholarships that were granted and then take a representative sample in order to monitor the scholarship holders and learn about their employment status once they have completed their studies and returned to the country. Information for this research was collected from higher education bodies and was processed by using descriptive statistics