


Model of Art Entrepreneurship & Education in Creative Economy

Iryna Hlazunova, Olena Ivanenko, Anfisa Kolenko, Tetiana Holinska, Liudmyla Honchar, Lesia Hutsan, Viktoria Ragozina

Modern art business is a multifunctional cyclical system of entrepreneurial actions, entrepreneurship models, aimed at development, production, distribution and commercialization of artistic images, sounds, performing arts, design, architecture, information and entertainment formats. Multidimensionality, multilevel technologicalism, complicated taxonomy of creative management, as well as financial complementarity of creation of an art product, significantly inhibit the progress of synthetic indicators of development of this field, but enable its group selective analysis. An important component of the art business is the study of its genesis, which usually correlates with the stages of social development in general and provides within the framework of historical discourse the following sequence: social and property differentiation, resulting in the art of patricians and plebeians; price differentiation of religious and cult art; formation of a high art economy, commercialization of printing products; promotion of industrial art; trade in antiques and emergence of the art market; expanding demand for new state-supported arts; politicization and ideologization of art; development of the global commodity market; concentration of creative capital; netification, personalization and protection of intellectual property rights.