


Methodology for Studying Economic Evaluation of Innovative Territorial Development of Agricultural Complex in Entrepreneurship Education

Milyausha Lukyanova, Vitaliy Kovshov, Rasul Gusmanov, Vasily Lukyanov, Oleg Efimov, Irek Araslanbaev

In entrepreneurship education is оne of the fundamental approaches to the strategy design for sustainable agricultural development is a differentiated approach to the choice of program activities and ways to implement them. Innovative entrepreneurship is of great im-portance in the economy modernization and is one of the strategic priorities of each country. This approach is explained by the heterogeneity of rural areas, and, consequently, the ine-quality of the initial conditions. Based on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan, op-timal forecasts of the strategic development of the agro-industrial complex have been devel-oped and substantiated, the role of which in entrepreneurship education is very important, as in the implementation of the development strategy, the correct assessment of the types and degree of risks associated with the management decisions implementation comes to the fore. It allows to model future situations, as well as compare the effectiveness of implemented strategies.

To determine the strategic potential for the effective agro-industrial sub-complex de-velopment the analysis was made in all categories farms of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The developed forecast scenarios, reflecting qualitatively heterogeneous directions for de-velopment of the agrarian sector, are formed, taking into account the achievement of the strategic goal and the potential capabilities of the production structures. It makes possible to define strategic objectives for further development of enterprises and combine them into a single industry development strategy. The developed approach is recommended to be used as a guide to build long-term regional programs for the development of agriculture, as well as to adjust the activities of ongoing programs. The method of forecasting changes results is used in entrepreneurship education as a technological element in solving the education modernization problems and as the promotion way of innovations in education.