


International Aspects of Legal Regulation of Information Relations in the Global Internet Network

Svitlana Dutchak, Natalia Opolska, Rostyslav Shchokin, Olena Durman, Mykhaylo Shevtsiv

Having outlined the current problems of legal regulation of transnational legal relations on the Internet and determined the role of international law in solving these problems, it is necessary to submit scientific proposals for their further implementation, since the international legal principles of regulation of information relations on the Internet are regulated by the rules of "soft law", which are enshrined in the resolutions of international organizations and they are advisory. It is advisable to develop international regulations in the field of Internet relations, which would define the basic concepts that apply to these relationships to eliminate possible conflicts in the laws of different countries. Such acts should include issues relevant to the international community regarding the jurisdiction of states in the Internet, functioning of the digital economy, fight against copyright infringement in the Internet, information terrorism and crimes threatening information security in the global information cycle, etc. Therefore, only with the successful regulation of Internet relations at national and international levels, and only through the joint efforts of the world community, it should be expected the positive dynamics in all spheres of society, given the significant impact of the Internet on global processes and international relations.