


Industrial Relations Instrument in the Concept of Law State (rechtsstaat) Which Based on Pancasila in Indonesia

Ahmad Hunaeni Zulkarnaen

The purpose of this article is to analyse the relationship between the concept of a legal state and industrial relations within the scope of Pancasila as the basis of the State in Indonesia. Thus, the conclusion of this article is that Indonesia is a country that adheres to the concept of a democratic rule of law based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the legal system and legislation for industrial relations are not a goal, but a reflection of aspirations. The rights, interests of the parties in industrial relations or constitute a bridge to bring all parties to the aspired idea in the form of shared prosperity, regulate the relations of industrial relations peacefully, protect the parties whose interests, create peace of work and strive (Industrial peace). For this reason, the legal system or legislative products must have a responsive or populistic character whose manufacturing process provides a large role or full participation to all parties so that the results are responsive to demands and reflect a sense of justice and fulfil the expectations of all parties in industrial relations.