


Improving Performance through Transformational Leadership and Utilization of Information Technology: A Survey in Mosque-Based Islamic Cooperatives in Indonesia

Zulfina Adriani, Joeliaty, Hilmiana, Yunizar

The present study aimed to develop a problem solving model to the lack of performance of mosque-based Islamic cooperatives in Indonesia. This study employed a quantitative method with sequential explanatory strategies through a survey to Islamic cooperatives using a structured questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the aid of smart PLS 3 software. This study used unit analysis of mosque-based sharia cooperatives in the city of Bandung while the heads/managers of the institutions as the observation units. The study was conducted in one time period in 2018. Based on the results of the study, it revealed that implementation of transformational leadership and utilization of information technology affects the performance achievement of sharia cooperatives either partially or simultaneously. These results also create novelty in developing the model of resource-based performance enhancement of sharia cooperatives (both in human and man-made resources) and contribute to the improvement of the performance measurement of sharia cooperatives which are previously focused only on financial and social aspects. These accommodate triple missions of Islamic cooperatives, i.e. financial, social and sharia performance