


Implementation of Talent Management on Indonesian Civil Advocates

Susie Fitri Hendriarti, Norfaridatul Akmaliah Othman, Sazelin Binti Arif, Syeh Assery, Reza Widhar Pahlevi

This research aims to understand the talent management and its implication that are very significant to be explored due at the ontological level and sociological level. The problem is very interesting to be analyzed by conducting a qualitative research method based on strategic human resource management theory. Data were collected through in-depth interview to several advocates in Indonesia, supported by observation and documentation. Data were analyzed by using interactive models are data reduction, data display, data verification, and supported by triangulation. The results were based on ontological level and sociological level using talent management perspective and its implementation that are needed for providing information to stakeholders related regarding to update the regulations in advocates policy. This result provides inputs for making better regulation and policy for state agencies as public officials, academicians, and practitioners.