


Factors that affect Students Decision to Choose Private Universities in Medan City Indonesia

Rahmat Hidayat, Effendi Sinuhaji, Meiyanti Widyaningrum, Erdiansyah, Adrianto

This study is aimed to determine the factors that influence student decisions in choosing private universities in Medan. The variables that observed were: education fee, promotion, brand image, motivation and facility as exogenous variable and student decision as endogen variable. The sample was determined by quota sampling on 150 students as respondents. The research data was obtained by surveys, questionnaires and interviews that then tested by testing the validity of the construct (indicator) and reliability test of the value of construct reliability. Data analysis used factor tests with regression weights and Confirmatory Factory Analysis (CFA). The model feasibility test used sample size, normality test and goodness of fit test. The results of this study indicate that the fee of education, promotion, brand image, motivation and facilities have a positive and significant effect on the decision of students in choosing private universities in Medan. All constructs forming each variable can explain its existence to latent variables. Moreover, the results of respondents' answers were also found that accreditation is a determining factor for prospective students in choosing private universities in Medan.