


“Electronic Word of Mouth Communications: Motivations and Drivers for Consumer Engagement”

Ravi Kumar JS, Budagavi Anupama, Venkata Naga Manjula P, Sheenam Gogia, Narayana Reddy T and Syed Mohammad Ghouse

The main objective of this study was to understand the underlying motives for consumers engaging Electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) communication and to examine the relationships between motives and consumption experiences. Critical Incident Technique (CIT) was employed for data collection. Application of CIT methodology involves identifying the critical incidents that are the target of investigation, collecting data, and using content analysis to interpret the data. The findings reported here indicate that consumers engage in EWOM for altruistic, product involvement and self-enhancement reasons, anxiety reduction, vengeance, and advice seeking reasons. Motives to engage in EWOM are significantly related to consumption experiences.