


E-Government Application Management in Riau Province of Indonesia

Karmila Sari , Bambang Supriyono , Andy Fefta Wijaya, Abdullah Said

This research aims to; explain, describe & analyse e-government management in Riau Province, Indonesia. E-government management requires Maturity to prioritize the stages of online existence, interaction, transactions, fully integrated and changing e-government, and the application of digital democracy. Thus, this collaboration is a necessity for managing maturity e-government. E-Government is currently still at the development stage, not yet at the evaluation/assessment evaluation/assessment stage of e-government itself. This research uses qualitative methods and uses a logistic model with a program, equipped with the calculation of the governance index processed by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. The results show that the application of accountability, professionalism, and e-government harms reducing the probability of corruption, while decentralization increases the probability of corruption occurring. Meanwhile, fairness, transparency, and responsiveness have not been able to affect play a role in reducing the level of corruption. Besides, the research provides additional results that the implementation of comprehensive governance can be able to reduce the level of corruption so that efforts to create a Clean and Good Government in the Riau Provincial Government can be realized properly. In properly.