


Digital Collaboration Projects in Digital Entrepreneurship Development

Iurii V. Zabaikin,Mikhail Yu. Bogachev,Petr F. Anisimov

Aim of the study: In order to implement the strategy for the development of the information society for 2017-2030, approved by presidential decree No. 203 of 9 may 2017, and the program "Digital economy of the Russian Federation", adopted by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28 July 2017 No. 1632-R, domestic industrial enterprises, most of which are concentrated in the military-industrial complex of Russia (hereinafter MIC), face the task of developing methods and mechanisms of their functioning in the context of the introduction of digital technologies in the production and management processes. Methodology: The need to improve the functioning of industrial enterprises in General and defense enterprises in particular in the introduction of digital technologies is confirmed by the fact that the leading industrial enterprises of foreign countries are already actively using digital technologies in production and have achieved a significant economic effect in this case. Conclusion: According to experts, projects in the field of digitalization of production now cost from 10 to 100 times cheaper than 5-10 years ago. There is an exponential drop in the cost of means of production with a digital component. By 2025, Russia's GDP may increase due to further digitalization of the economy by 4.1-8.9 trillion rubles. Now the share of the digital economy in Russia's GDP is 3.9%, which is 2-3 times lower than the leaders in this area.
