


Determining factors in irrigation management in Bantaeng district in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Badrun, B., Pallu, M.S., Salim, A., & Abduh, M.N.

Irrigation management in Indonesia is one of the essential factors in achieving community welfare. Irrigation infrastructure, which is government investment, is very urgent to be maintained and maintained to ensure food security both locally and nationally. This study reveals various factors influencing irrigation management by distributing questionnaires to 300 farmers in Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. After going through three stages of data analysis, the researcher found that the availability of irrigation water is the most crucial variable in irrigation management. Furthermore, irrigation management is characterized by good network operations and irrigation management human resources competence. Meanwhile, the optimal use of irrigation water and the guarantee of water distribution throughout the paddy fields are essential factors in maintaining water availability. Therefore, the best strategy in developing the quality of irrigation services is to increase the capacity of farmer associations and the competence of farmers to manage irrigation water optimally and reduce the risk of water use conflicts.
