


Bank Health Analysis Using the Camel Ratio on the Performance of Credit Card Issuing Banks

Eddy Winarso, Eddy Winarso

This research was conducted on 23 credit card issuing banks with years of observation from 2016 to 2021, researchers conducted an analysis using the CAMELS Ratio. Data is obtained from annual reports issued by the banking sector registered with the Financial Services Authority and then processed using eviews-8. Analysis is carried out partially or simultaneously. From the results of data processing, it is obtained that the CAMEL ratio is based on Bank Indonesia and Financial Services Authority Regulations from 2016 to 2021. It can be concluded that 32 credit card issuing banks have received very healthy predicates for the ratio Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Loans (NPL), Net profit Margin (NPM), Operating Expense Ratio (OER) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Except for Return on Assets (ROA) in a healthy predicate. Partially from the CAMEL ratio there are several ratios that have a negative influence on bank performance as measured by ROA, namely Capital (CAR), asset quality (NPL) and earnings as measured by (EOR). While management (NPM), earnings as measured by NIM and liquidity as measured by LDR have a positive effect on bank performance as measured by ROA. Simultaneously all ratios namely Capital, Asset Quality, Management, earnings, and liquidity have a positive influence on bank performance fundamentally.
